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GesLearn® ExamAnalysis or simply referred to as ‘ExamAnalysis’ is a Window-PC (Microsoft) based software.
| Its objective is to provide an efficient analysis on examination scores. The examination scores can be dichotomous, continuous or a combination of both. This software computes the usual descriptive statistics such as the mean, standard deviation and standard scores across different percentiles. The analysis is based on the Classical Test Theory (CTT) and thus it outputs psychometrics of examinations including Difficulty Level, Discrimination Index, Point bi-serial correlation (for dichotomous scores), Item correlation (for continuous scores). It also outputs graphical plots on demand. The software has two output files. One in RTF (rich text format) containing graphs, if any. The other one is a text file containing psychometric analysis results that can be imported to databases of question banks. Contact/ Enquiry (sales@geslearn.com) Back to GesLearn.com
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